David Fideler on The Stoic Renaissance (Episode 68) How the Renaissance can inspire modern Stoic practice.
Michael Gibson on Philosophy Outside of the Academy and Stoicism in Silicon Valley (Episode 66) A discussion on entrepreneurship and Stoicism with a philosopher/investor funding college dropouts and renegade students.
Everything You Need To Know About Graduate School (Episode 65) Reflections on graduate school and the state of academic philosophy.
Leonidas Konstantakos on Stoic Justice (Episode 64) A discussion on Socrates, Stoics in ancient Sparta, and whether one can truly practice Stoicism today.
Why Virtue is the Only Good (Episode 61) Defending the radical Stoic idea that virtue is all you need from objections.
Brittany Polat on Living as a Stoic (Episode 60) What Stoics can learn from monasteries, what they should think about accountability, and more.
Spencer Klavan on Stoicism and The Crises of Our Time (Episode 58) Does Stoicism have the answers we need to the challenges of our age?
Building Stoic Mindfulness (Episode 55) The difference between modern and Stoic mindfulness – and how to be develop both.
Will Johncock On Why Stoics Shouldn't Ignore Their Social Nature (Episode 54) How the social aspect of Stoicism offers an essential frame for thinking about our own lives, the lives of the people around us, and our world.
Why Anger Is Always Bad (Episode 53) They say that if you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention. The Stoics don’t agree with that. In their view, anger is always bad.
Applying the View From Above (Episode 51) A conversations on the most popular Stoic practice for generating a sense of calm, perspective, and purpose.
Stoicism For Me But Not For Thee With Marcus Hedahl (Episode 50) This is our 50th episode! Thank you for listening and supporting Stoa Conversations. If you’d like to support the show, please subscribe, leave a review, and share an episode
Rob Goodman on Risk and Rhetoric (Episode 46) A conversation on ancient Romans, current politics, risk, and art of public speech.
The Obstacle Is the Way (Episode 45) The good, bad, and provocative of the bestselling modern book on Stoicism.
Marcus Hedahl on Stoic Happiness (Episode 44) On happiness, reframing, and the nature of a meaningful life.
The Stoic Heretic: Aristo of Chios (Episode 41) Michael and Caleb discuss how Aristo of Chios challenged the orthodox Stoics, how the orthodox Stoics responded, and what they think about the challenges today.