All You Need To Know About Determinism and Freewill in Stoicism (Episode 93) Freewill in a fated world
Zena Hitz on The Meaning of Life, and Religion (Episode 90) Service, sacrifice, and the religious life
Alexandra Hudson on the Soul of Civlity (Episode 84) How the great books and classics challenge us to live well with others
Josiah Osgood on Caesar and Cato's Epic Rivalry (Episode 82) Lessons and questions from the lives of the ancient Romans
Jeremy Wayne Tate on Reviving Classical Education (Episode 80) Reviving classical learning for the modern age.
Gregory Sadler on Criticisms of Stoicism ( Episode 76) A discussion of famous criticisms of Stoicism through history.
Dana Gioia on Seneca and The Madness of Hercules (Episode 74) Embracing life with literature, philosophy, and art.
Randolph Nesse on Anxiety and Evolution (Episode 72) How to understand the evolutionary roots of our negative emotions.
Facing and Overcoming Failure (Episode 71) Stoicism applied. Practical discussions on every day Stoicism.
Catherine Wilson on the Epicurean Life (Episode 70) Stoicism is a tool for stress management. Epicureanism is a tool for stress avoidance.