The Epicureans | On Ends Book I (Episode 172)

In 45 BC, amid the turmoil of the Roman Civil War, Cicero wrote one of philosophy's most important works on the meaning of life. This episode unpacks Book I of "On Ends," exploring the clash between Epicurean pleasure-seeking and Stoic virtue.

(01:14) Meeting Cicero

(06:18) Latin over Greek

(11:40) On Ends Core Debates

(16:03) Cicero attacks

(20:44) Why Pleasure isn't Everything

(27:28) The Epicurean Response

(31:29) Must Virtue Produce Something More?

(46:53) The Epicurean View of Community

(53:38) The Epicurean sage

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Listen to more episodes and learn more here: to Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music in the conversations: