Against The Epicureans | On Ends Book II (Episode 175)
Caleb and Michael take on Book II of Cicero’s On Ends. In this books Cicero goes off against the Epicureans. What do you think?
Aristippus: The Philosopher Who Mastered Pleasure
(02:43) Different Kinds Of Pleasure
(16:34) Turning AgainstThe Stoics
(18:02) Ranking Pleasures
(24:40) Epicurean Rebranding?
(30:55) Epicureans Ignore Virtue
(34:28) Utilitarianism
(38:18) Topsy Turvy Value Systems
(46:50) Do Epicureans Lie?
(48:17) Is Happiness Up To You
(56:08) Michael's Takeaway
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