Everything You Need To Know About Graduate School (Episode 65)

In this conversation, Michael and Caleb talk about philosophy graduate school. We discuss the good, bad, and interesting. You’ll learn why we think it’s awesome, but fewer people should go to graduate school and whether we’d do the experience again.

(01:31) Our Academic Stories

(07:45) Logic in the Academy

(12:52) Getting Paid $$$

(18:15) Custodians of Civilization

(21:33) Surrounded by Serious People

(24:09) Bad Business

(28:56) Too Many Graduate Students

(33:33) A Culture of Perfection

(36:56) Philosophies of Life

(42:21) The Obsession about Prestige

(48:23) Making Graduate School Better

(52:10) Would You Do Graduate School Again?

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Thanks to Michael Levy for graciously letting us use his music in the conversations.