Bryan Hill on Stoicism and the Confidence to be Creative.

Bryan Hill is a television, film, and comic book writer. His work in comics includes writing for Batman and Buffy's Angel and his work in television includes HBO Max's Titans, and Ash vs. The Evil Dead. Bryan is a practitioner of Stoicism, and has incorporated Stoic ideas into his craft of writing.

In this discussion, we cover using Stoicism to overcome the ego, imposter syndrome, and fear of rejection that comes both with being a writer, and with pursuing any craft. In particular, we talk about learning to commit yourself to process of self-improvement, rather than seeking external validation. We also talk about how to overcome the fear of being bad at something by learning to give yourself permission to be a beginner.

This conversation is a must listen for anyone who has struggled with their own confidence and self-identity, and wants specific strategies to help.

Listen to it here: (Android, iPhone)